
Event Photography

Sean is available to cover any event from which you would like images and memories. With a keen interest in horses himself, Sean enjoys attending equestrian events (show jumping, cross country, dressage, drag hunts etc.) His portfolio includes corporate events, musical and theatre productions, weddings and celebration parties.
Much of his time is spent on the Agility circuit covering training camps, shows and finals including Crufts, Olympia, the WAO and the British Open.



Studio Portraits

Sean's studio is completely portable and can be set up for beautiful portraits wherever it is needed. This means that the option of studio work is available at most of the venues and events that Sean is attending, adding another dimension to the images available to clients.

Sean's seasonal studio portraits are especially popular with dog clubs, offering club members beautiful portraits of their animals (and humans!) which can also be used on Christmas cards and other seasonal gifts.

Natural Light Portraits

Nothing captures the essence of an animal quite like a photo taken outdoors in a natural setting. Sean is available for individual sessions with your favourite pets in your favourite locations, creating the ultimate in bespoke memories.
If you're at an agility show and would like some photos taken of your dog, have a chat with Sean who can take individual photos either of your dog working in in a ring (by arrangement,) some candid shots in a quiet area or even posed over a single jump.


Workshops: 'Practical Pet Photography'

Sean takes great pleasure in running bespoke workshops for small groups of enthusiastic animals-lovers who wish to improve their skills with the camera and take better photos of their pets.  Sean's experience and passion for taking great photographs is firmly rooted in the real world; he warmly welcomes complete novices who simply want to take a better photo, and embraces the use of compact cameras.
The animal 'models' provided for these workshops are dogs, but the techniques you learn about taking both successful portrait and action-style photos, apply to just about any pet you can think of.

Sean has so much to share with everyone that the workshops - originally intended to last just a couple of hours - now accomodate extra time for practical sessions with your camera and discussing the results of your own photo-shoots. Actual start time is subject to change dependent upon venue and workshop subject, but here's a broad overview of the sort of busy day to expect:

11:00  Meet for a cup of tea or coffee
Sean takes you through the first part of his popular presentation which covers the different types of camera, how the camera works and the best settings for various environments, as well as tips to get the best pet portraits. He knows there's a tremendous amount information to take on board in one day, so a 'crib sheet' is provided at the end.
You then have the opportunity to use Sean's indoor, portable studio set up, where you can concentrate on using those settings and tips in a controlled lighting environment with the dogs. Throughout the session Sean is on hand to answer your questions and assist you with the camera set up.
After the studio session the workshop moves outdoors to introduce new aspects to your pet portrait photography, and to give you an opportunity to use what you have learned inside.

13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 The second part of Sean's presentation is all about taking 'sports and action' shots. Following the presentation there is a short break to give everybody ample time to check the new camera settings with Sean and ask any questions.
The final session is back outdoors, where the dogs will be doing speedy stuff for you to take photos of; running and jumping for frisbees as well as sailing over agility jumps. This last session is time limited as even canine athletes get tired!
16:00 Finish

This course is designed to be a useful guide for everybody, from absolute beginners, to those that want to refine the art of photography and take better shots of their pets. As Sean says;
"If you finish the day with two pictures that you are pleased with, and one new way of using your camera, then you have made this course a success!"

Sean's workshops are available for groups or as private one-to-one tutorial sessions. A voucher for a One-to-one is a great gift idea for any animal lover with a camera!